Finding You With Every Connection

Canare Corporation manufactures the best One-Stop Smart Solutions in Pro Audio and Video Cable, SMPTE HFO camera cable, 75 Ohm BNC, F, and RCA Connectors, Patchbays, Cable Reels, Snake Systems, Assemblies, Crimp Tools, and Cable Strippers. Canare is committed to empowering A/V professionals such as professional broadcast engineers, sound technicians, A/V facility integrators, design consultants, and many leading OEMs with innovative products. Meeting their growing needs is our priority, providing them with the highest quality products and service they can rely upon with proven reliability and unrivaled customer service

75Ω Coaxial Cables and BNC Connectors

Expands the range of choices for any kind of video formats up to 12G

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Cable and Connectors for UHDTV

Recent years, developments of Serial Digital Interface (SDI) require wider bandwidth and higher data rates. Cables and connectors are becoming a significant role in high definition video productions to work properly.

Canare 12G-SDI products are developed by a huge investment of time and research. Our products are verified and approved by the TRUE 12 GHz test equipment in addition, collaborations with top brands of broadcast products.

BNC connectors and video patchbays should be fully matched with 12G coax cables. Canare developed these products over the years of improvements in order to exceed SMPTE requirements.


Canare original hassle-free patching design

4K/8K, 12G-SDI, 6G-SDI

You can find all Canare products at

The next-generation 12G-ready video patchbays with newly developed staggered dual video jacks.

Video patchbays, as a backup or a final means for safety in a routing system, often face high demand on stable and constant patching connections and contacts. Over the decades, Canare has focused on these essentials and has developed the solutions for the latest video format such as 4K/8K.

We machine the inner contact area and the contact pin from the same piece of material thus avoiding any contact-resistance that might otherwise arise.

HFO Cables & Connectors

Hybrid Fiber-Optic Camera Cables (SMPTE ST 311)

You can find all Canare products at

Innovative professional products for the A/V Industry today, creating stronger connections with people in tomorrow’s world.

Kimio Kawamoto

Former Director/Advisor/Founder, Canare Electric Co Ltd

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